Tag Archives: Zooey Deschanel

Zooey is a queen among gods

“I don’t really like sweets that much, but I find it really satisfying to bake for other people—cupcakes and cookies and cakes.”

-Zooey Deschanel, on baking.

Truly a woman after my own heart. I heart her so much, even though she has various dietary restrictions that render my own cookies utterly deadly to her.

Zooey as Ms. Edmunds

Bridge to Terabithia was one of my favorite books when I was growing up. In fact, it’s still one of my favorite books. It’s so gut-wrenchingly heartbreaking yet beautiful coming of age stories that you can’t stop thinking about it, even when you haven’t read it in the past 10 years. When I heard that they were making it into a movie, naturally, I had some doubts. For one, Jesse and Leslie’s young music teacher was someone who I always visualized as the ideal twenty-something artsy teacher who had something vaguely hippie-ish (hippish) about her. And of course, she was beautiful, but not necessarily in the drop-dead gorgeous “you should be a movie star” sort of way, but someone who you’d genuinely have a crush on, whether you’re a young boy or not. Someone who was actually appealing enough for a young boy to forgo his budding relationship with a spirited and imaginative and age-appropriate Leslie. I couldn’t think of many Hollywood actresses who could fit the bill. I think Zooey did a terrific job, how about you?

Update on Zooey Deschanel Appreciation Week

You would think that seeing Zooey in person would possibly dissipate any idealistic image of her as the perfect woman, the woman whose day you’d gladly listen about just to enjoy the sound of her voice, the woman who can be quirky at times and quirkier at others, the woman whose eyes you can’t stop staring at just because. I thought so too, but seeing her perform live today made me love her even more, if that were somehow possible. If I died in my sleep tonight, I would have died a happy man. But my roommate would probably live a traumatized man, and my friend would live an unhappy lady because I had Arcade Fire/Spoon floor tickets waiting to be picked up by me, and I would have died. So yeah, probably won’t die, but theoretically, if I did, at least I saw Zooey 😀

Zooey Deschanel and the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

My two favorite things, the hilarious absurdity of Douglas Adams (RIP) and Zooey Deschanel! What fun!

Also, I didn’t know Sam Rockwell was in this movie! Awesome!

Quote on Zooey Deschanel of the Day

Continuing the theme of Zooey Deschanel Appreciation Week, here’s a quote on Zooey Deschanel from today’s Zooey Deschanel film, Elf!

“I think you have the most beautiful singing voice in the world” – Buddy

I think she does, too!