Tag Archives: Layla

How Lyrics Should Be Sung: Layla

Singers often sing their lyrics in different ways than the lyrics would suggest. For example, most singers sing the chorus part in a song in several ways. Because of this I have decided to write the emotionally accurate versions of some choice songs for you who would like to karaoke with the proper pronunciations and emotional states. This is Eric Clapton’s Layla. Actually I was going to do a line-by-line analysis of some song lyrics this week, but I think I’ll do this instead. Continue reading

Album: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs

Presumably how Clapton saw Pattie Boyd

Presumably how Clapton saw Pattie Boyd

One of my favorite albums of all time, Derek & the Dominos’ (Eric Clapton’s little side project with Duane Allman and company) “Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs” includes some of Clapton’s most famous songs, including Layla and Bellbottom Blues and a pretty interesting cover of Jimi Hendrix’s Little Wing. The album was composed and recorded during a particularly rough patch in Eric Clapton’s life (he actually had a lot of rough patches, too many for a mere mortal but not too many for Clapton) when he was consumed by a burning desire for Pattie Boyd, who just wasn’t really that into him. Why would any woman resist guitar god Eric Clapton? Well, for one thing, she was married to George Harrison. Yes, that George Harrison of the Fab Four. That’s the Beatles, for those of you not versed in pop culture. Continue reading